
Manuel Benítez

Manuel Benítez

Tax Lawyer & Advisor. Economist.

Tax Lawyer & Advisor. Economist.


Manuel Benítez is a Tax Lawyer & Advisor, registered with the Bar Association of Seville with number 15.898 and he also has a degree as Economist. He studied a joint degree in Law and Business Management at the University of Cordoba, LL.M in Advocacy at the University of Cadiz and LL.M in Tax Advisement at FUECA.
Manuel completed his PhD in International Tax Law in 2022, at the University of Cadiz, specializing in tax residence of individuals. He is also knowledgeable in corporate taxation and indirect taxation.

Furthermore, he has also published several papers in scientific reviews on international tax law matters. Among them Gibraltar and Brexit, a new framework to solve tax residence conflicts or Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on tax residence of individuals, both published in the Aranzadi review. Manuel has presented several papers at scientific congresses such as Common tax residence rules, or European tie-break rules? – A proposal, presented at the Global Tax Symposium, at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. He consistently publishes tax research papers.

He is certified by the University of Cambridge in B2 English skills, and speaks and writes in French.

Manuel became a valued member of Konsell in 2018.
In 2022, he transitioned from his full-time position in our Firm to collaborate with various prestigious national tax and legal firms. Presently, he continues to contribute to our tax team, offering his expertise as an independent tax consultant to Konsell.

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